3 Brands Making Denim Sustainable

Denim is one of the most iconic products in the fashion industry and it leaves a trail of destruction. According to industry standards, it requires 7,000 litres of water to produce one pair of denim jeans. In the production process, toxic chemicals are used in the dying process, which contaminates river ways and water supplies. River pollution threatens 5 billion people around the world. These brands are rewriting history through innovative design and thoughtful production.

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Over the last three years, MUD Jeans have saved 12,000 jeans from landfill and incineration and turned them into new denim. They work with Recovertex in Spain, who recover waste material and recycle into new high quality fabric. This avoids the need for virgin materials, thus lowering the environmental impact on generating new fashion items. MUD offers a pioneering lease system, which ensures that they keep hold of valuable fibres and that every garment is returned and recycled. Plus repairs are provided for free and customers can keep the jeans for as long as they want, with a Repair Service provided for free. Or they can swap them for a new pair after the one-year rental term is complete.

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Reversing the linear model of fast fashion from make - use - waste to a “wear, tear and repair” mindset. Nudie Jeans makes it easier than ever to fix up your denim with international repair stores, a mobile repair staion, repair partners and a repair kit. No matter where you are in the world, your jeans will last a lifetime with their durability system. Nudie Jeans cleverly encourage the consumer to hold emotional durability to their products, through their street style advertisement and quoting ‘the longer you wear your jeans, the more character and attitude they acquire’. This brand is changing consumer approach to fashion, making it cool to reuse and repair.


Our denim dreams have come true! Whimsy & Rows eco jeans is Oeko Tex Certified, carbon neutral, made with 100% certified organic cotton, low impact dyes, recycled water and plastic free. Plus, their trims, labels & packaging are made from recycled materials. Basically, jeans with good genes.


Join our Fashion Tour to discover how to adapt your wardrobe to be more sustainable and in align with your eco values!

Jade Navega