How Brands Can Commit to Circularity

Textiles and clothing are a fundamental part of everyday life, plus an important sector in the global economy. In the last 15 years, clothing production has doubled due to the rise of ‘fast fashion’ phenomenon. The current system for producing, distributing, and using clothing operates on a linear model. This model is extremely wasteful and polluting to our environment. It’s time to get away from linear thinking with a ‘one time’ sell and commit to a circular model. Let’s discuss what makes a garment sustainable and how can brands commit to circularity.


Linear model + attitude

  • Make, use, waste.

  • Mainly produced from non-renewable resources.

  • Often used for short periods of time, after which the materials are largely lost to landfill or incineration.

  • Unequal cost of human labour.

  • Low cost and low quality.

Circular model + attitude

  • Make, use, repair/reuse/recycle.

  • Clothes are designed, sold and used to break free from their increasingly disposable nature.

  • Higher quality and durability.


What makes a garment sustainable?

For a garment to be truly sustainable, it needs to embody one of the following:

  1. It is recyclable by design

  2. A recycling system is available

  3. Made of textile recycled materials

A brand cannot see value through creation of waste and provide benefits for business, society and environment. Unfortunately there is a large amount of greenwashing* around, which is misleading consumers. The simple question we need to ask when trusting a brands commitment to sustainability is: what happens to this product at the end of its life?


How can a brand commit to circularity?


  • Implement the 3R approach: reduce, reuse and recycle.

  • Use renewable energy.

  • Move away from mass producing and only make what is needed.

  • Decrease number of collections per year.

  • Offer quality over quantity.

  • Celebrate local artisans and crafts to empower people.

  • Offer tutorials on upcycling their garments

  • Host ‘mending’ workshops to bring longevity into their clothing.

  • Include short-term clothing rental services, adding more wear to each garment.


We visualise a future of holistic understanding, from brands and consumers; for people, the planet and prosperity. In order to make a positive change, it needs all parties to be involved: producer, designer and consumer. It’s time to transform the way clothes are designed, sold and used to break free from their increasingly disposable nature. If you’re a brand wanting to commit to circularity then request a free consultation with us today and let’s discuss how we can help you.

Jade Navega