The Mindful Step

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How to Build a Sell Out Launch

You’re about to launch your new conscious collection and those feelings of overwhelm come flooding in. You question, what even makes a successful launch and where do I even begin? Regardless if you’ve launched before (with an undesirable outcome) or if this is your first time launching. There is so much to do! That’s why I’m offering you my top tips on how to build a sell out launch, plus show how to put plans into action and step into your version of a successful launch.

In order to achieve a successful launch you need to focus on the following key elements:

1. Relationship building by creating TRUST

2. Converting through content

Social media plays such an important role when it comes to nurturing your audience with know, like and trust. Knowing means they’ve followed you and now they’re aware of who you are. These customers can begin to like you by jumping onto a freebie that you offer. This is something they can download and be sent to their inbox, which increases the relationship. The more positive experiences they have with your content the more they will like you. The trusting element only comes when they spend more time with you. This can a while, so it is essential to start your launch process long before your product or service goes live. By continuing to show up, adding value and delivering on your promises, your audience will feel warmed up and ready to purchase once you go live with your launch.

That all seems pretty straight forward and self explanatory. So, what are the exact things you can be doing throughout your launch period to build that know, like and trust?

- Personal sharing on your own transformational journey. There will be people who want to be where you are right now, include some aspirational content.

- Focus on building community rather than vanity metrics of likes / followers

- Testimonials that show you're an authority in your field

- Consistency and showing up regularly is key

- Be a guest for another authority in a similar field through Instagram lives, podcasts etc.

- People care more about themselves, so make sure your content is addressed to your ideal customer. Speak as if you're directly speaking to them.

- In the words of Brene Brown **"Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage.”** don't shy away from your human side because this create relatability.

- Offer VALUE, VALUE, VALUE! The more you give, the more you appear as a leader in your field.

- Don't be afraid of repeating yourself. It takes your customer so many times to see you and become familiar with your offer before they commit. You're not a broken record, keep going!

- There is more to just selling your service/product, include the feeling, the emotion, the inspiration and the journey.

- Use strong CTA's (call to actions) and make sure they're always at the end of any content you put out there. Tell people what they need to do next. Tell them how they can work or buy from you. "send me a DM" "head to the link in the bio".

- Promote the route to a sale. If you're selling a service, get them into a conversation. How do they book a discovery call? Bring them to your DM's. If you’re a product based business (fashion brand) explore how you can have your audience digesting your content for as long as possible and direct them to the sale.


If a potential customer / client message you directly with a question or struggle, jump on a IG LIVE and share content that directs this and thank them for asking. They'll feel special and heard, plus it helps educate your audience further too.

Also, once you launch, create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) by hyping up those who have purchased from you, so that they want to join in.

Launching can be a fast ticket to overwhelm, which is why I’ve designed Launch Accelerator, a 4 week programme to support you with your steps to success. Most people think they need to grow their audience before they put their product or service out into the world. The truth is, your launch period will nurture and warm up your current audience, plus with the Launch Accelerator strategy, attract the right audience.

If you believe the myth of needing thousands of followers to have a successful launch, I can’t wait for you to be introduced to my latest programme. We start on the 31st May - find out more by clicking the button below.