The Mindful Step

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How to Design for the Future

Did you know that 80% of products environmental impact is determined at the design stage? Plus from the years 2000-2014, 60% more clothing was purchased and those items were used half as long. We need to run away from ‘disposable’ design and celebrate clothes that are made to last. Just by extending the life of clothing by an extra 9 months, we reduce our carbon, water and waste footprint by 20-30%. Here’s a quick guide on how brands can be designing for the future.

Minimal Waste

In order to avoid waste, design needs to prioritise using material as efficiently as possible. This can be done by:

  • Source + reuse textile waste so there’s no need for virgin fabric.

  • Advanced tech to produce on demand.

  • 3D modelling

  • Zero-waste patterns


Avoid garments ending up in landfill by:

  • Choosing high quality materials, finishing’s and construction.

  • Ensure that style and fit are timeless and not trend sensitive.

  • Add emotional durability through storytelling to encourage customers to cheerish their garments.


All garments are eventually disposed of by the consumer. Designers need to identify the following barriers:

  • Repair, reuse + reduce.

  • Clever design of disaddembly for easy replacement.

  • Returns + reward systems to recycle garments back into high quality textiles.


Because the planet needs design like this:

  • Use of mono fibre.

  • Mono material for ease of recycling to eliminate toxins, dye stuff and coatings.

  • Elimination of physical contaminants, such as embelishments.

Imagine if our denim jeans came with a lifetime repair clinic, or like ours cars, winter coats went in for an annual MOT. This is the future of fashion, are you ready for it? Book a free consultation with us to find out how you can convert your brand to be more sustainable.