Bringing you closer to Portuguese brands

Your Sell-Out Launch Roadmap

No overwhelm, no uncertainty in knowing what to post, and no complicated ads. 

Just a step-by-step guide on how to build hype, create purposeful content and nurture a warm audience ready for a sell-out launch.


Wanna know a little secret?

It only takes one sell out launch to know how to apply this success again and again to future launches. 

For real!

Get your roadmap now


Launching can be a fast ticket to overwhelm…

Regardless if you’ve launched before (with an undesirable outcome) or if this is your first time launching. There is so much to do!

How do you know where to get started?

Do you feel blocked when thinking of putting together a physical strategy?

Are you worried that you just don’t have the time?

You’re so busy managing all other areas of your business that it’s tempting to just put your product or service out there and hope for the best. 

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Hey, I’m Jade.

A slow fashion lover, plant-based Mumma and a wannabe flexible yogi! 

I’m also a sustainability consultant and business coach, supporting entrepreneurs with sell-out launches and growing their purposeful business. 

The first time I launched my 12 week programme Power & Purpose, I had a small audience but reached my sales target of €11,000.

Because I’ve been through the process and come out the other side (with results that still have me pinching myself!) means I can offer you a short-cut.

One that allows you to get YOUR launch up and running in as little as 3 weeks — without the facepalm moments.


Introducing… The Sell-Out Launch Roadmap

Your step-by-step guide

To generate more profit, create a higher impact and have a freedom tool that offers you the opportunity to launch again and again with success and ease.


Inside the sell-out launch roadmap…

👉Gain clarity on what you should be doing pre launch, during launch and post launch

👉Discover how to build your community

👉Be equipped with a proven framework and worksheets to maximise results

👉Daily content suggestions with examples from brands we’ve worked with

All to avoid you feeling lost, confused or overwhelmed.

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Here’s a sneak peak…



The Sell-Out Launch Roadmap lives inside an easy-to-use planning app, which is free to use. It comes with tickable checklists, so that you can keep tabs on what you’ve taken action on. The checklists also ensure that you don’t miss any vital steps during your launch period. To make things even simpler, you have clear step-by-step video tutorials and content suggestions. It is the most efficient tool you’ll ever need for launch success.

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Using ‘Sell-Out Launch Roadmap’ you will…

👉Take daily action on building your community

👉Discover how to repurpose your content to make life easier

👉Learn the potential in creating an active email list

👉Map out call to actions to maximise the potential of sales

👉Simplify and streamline how to craft content that speaks directly to your ideal customer

👉Dial up your pre-launch promotions so your audience simply cannot wait to tune in on launch day

This tool is your best friend that supports you for your first launch and every launch after that